/** * @api {get} /employee/:id 02.Employee Detail * @apiName GetEmployeeDetail * @apiGroup Employee * @apiVersion 0.1.0 * @apiUse AdminDescription * * @apiParam {Number} id Employee id. * * @apiSuccess {String} firstName First name of the employee. * @apiSuccess {String} middleName Middle name of the employee. * @apiSuccess {String} lastName Last Name of the employee. * @apiSuccess {Number} id Id of the employee. * @apiSuccess {String} code Employee code. * @apiSuccess {String} fullName Full Name of the employee. * @apiSuccess {String} status Status of the employee. * @apiSuccess {String} dob DOB of the employee. * @apiSuccess {String} driversLicenseNumber Employee driver's license number. * @apiSuccess {String} licenseExpiryDare Employee driver's license expiry date * @apiSuccess {String} maritalStatus Employee marital status. * @apiSuccess {String} gender Gender of the employee. * @apiSuccess {String} otherId Employee other id. * @apiSuccess {String} nationality Nationality of the employee. * @apiSuccess {String} jobTitle Employee job title. * @apiSuccess {String} unit Employee sub unit. * @apiSuccess {Object} supervisor Employee supervisor details. * * @apiSuccessExample Success-Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * * { * "data": * { * "firstName": "Nina", * "middleName": "Jane", * "lastName": "Lewis", * "code": "0014", * "id": "1", * "fullName": "Nina Jane Lewis (Past Employee)", * "status": "Active", * "dob": "2016-05-04", * "driversLicenseNumber": "444555124223", * "licenseExpiryDate": "2017-02-09", * "maritalStatus": "Married", * "gender": "2", * "otherId": "4646522", * "nationality": "Armenian", * "unit": "Marketing Unit", * "jobTitle": "marketing", * * "supervisor": [ * { * "name": "Hameesh Von Johnson", * "id": "3" * } * ] * }, * "rels": { * "contact-detail": "/employee/:id/contact-detail", * "supervisor": "/employee/:id/supervisor", * "job-detail": "/employee/:id/job-detail", * "dependent": "/employee/:id/dependent" * } * } * * @apiError UserNotFound The id of the employee was not found. * * @apiErrorExample Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found * { * "error": "Employee Not Found" * } */