/** * @api {post} /employee/:id/leave-request 08.Save Multiple Day Leave Request * @apiName saveMultipleDayLeaveRequest * @apiGroup Leave * @apiVersion 0.1.0 * @apiUse AdminDescription * * @apiParam {Number} id Employee id. * @apiParam {Number} type Mandatory leave type id. * @apiParam {Date} fromDate Leave start date. * @apiParam {Date} toDate Leave end date. * @apiParam {String} [comment] Leave comment. * @apiParam {String} partialOption Partial day option ( required ) ('all','start','end','start_end','none' ). * Note : If partial option is 'all' start day fields must be filled. * If partial option is 'end' end day fields must be filed. * If partial option is 'start' start day fields must be filed. * If partial option is 'start_end' start and end day fields must be filed. * If partial option is 'none' No partial option. * @apiParam {String} startDayType Start day leave applying type ('half_day','full_day','specify_time'). * @apiParam {String} startDayAMPM Half day morning or evening ( 'AM','PM') required for start day 'half_day'. * @apiParam {String} startDayFromTime Start day from time for specify time(required for start day specifying time ). * @apiParam {String} startDayToTime Start day to time for specify time(required for start day specifying time ). * @apiParam {String} endDayType End day leave applying type ('half_day','full_day','specify_time'). * @apiParam {String} endDayAMPM Half day morning or evening ( 'AM','PM')required for end day 'half_day'. * @apiParam {String} endDayFromTime End day from time for specify time(required for end day specifying time ). * @apiParam {String} endDayToTime End day to time for specify time (required for end day specifying time ). * @apiParam {String} action Leave action type ( "SCHEDULED""PENDING""REJECTED""CANCELLED"). * * * @apiSuccessExample Success-Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * * { * "success": "Successfully Saved" * } * * * @apiError Bad-Response Saving Failed. * * @apiErrorExample Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request * { * "error": ["Saving Failed"] * } */